Common Vision for Ukrainian Society
What is our project about?
The project “Common Vision for Ukrainian Society” is aimed both at supporting the NGO sector, but also at transferring experience in civic initiatives and creating a platform for knowledge exchange. As part of the exchange of knowledge between young people from Ukraine and Poland, we will place particular emphasis on creating a space for active sharing of experience and dissemination of good practices that can be applied to public welfare activities during the process of reconstruction in Ukraine. An important aspect of the project is also to enable young Ukrainians to acquire the skills to obtain funding for such initiatives, in order to support effective work for the rebuilding of Ukraine. In addition, the project aims to develop civic attitudes among young people, which contributes to building a civil society based on active participation and community involvement. Through this project, Poland and Ukraine hope not only to exchange knowledge and skills, but also to build lasting ties between the young people of both countries and have a long-term impact on social and civic development in the region.
During the main activity, which took place from July 21 to July 27 at the Pilsko-Jontek resort in Korbielów, participants from Poland and Ukraine developed a number of good practices for effective management of various enterprises within the boundaries of local communities. We encourage you to read the handbook
TikTok campaign
Materials developed during the workshop

Photos from the exchange